Hey Everyone!
It has been over a year since I posted anything on my blog. Honestly, I got busy and just never came back to it - until NOW! I promise I am going to try really hard this time to keep up with this especially now that I have moved away. This will be a great way to keep everyone up-to-date with what is going on in my life. (If any of you have blogs that I don't know about, please let me know and I'll definitely check them out!).
If you don't already know - a LOT has changed in my life since my last post. I am no longer in the Sunshine State, as I have moved to Atlanta! Long story short, I believe with all my heart that God called me up here for reasons that I am not aware of yet. I have had to take some HUGE steps of faith in the last couple months, and at times it has been difficult. However, I know that God is up to something big in my life and He keeps telling me to just trust Him and wait on Him. Please pray for me that I will continue to be obedient to God's calling and will not give up. I would hate to give up right before I turn the corner to whatever He has prepared for me. I wouldn't want to miss out on His blessings because I got too impatient!
Since I have been in Atlanta, I have been the Worship Leader for the "Atlanta Encounter" (aka "Church4Chicks) www.church4chicks.com. "Church4Chicks" is a interdenominational Bible study gathering of women all over the Atlanta area on Tuesday evenings. My cousin, Shelley (whom I will tell you more about later in another post) is the one who started "Church4Chicks" and is the main speaker. Being involved in this ministry has presented its own challenges, but we know that God is in it. We have been experiencing attacks from the enemy both corporately and in our personal lives as well. Satan sees it as a huge threat and has done everything he can do to destroy it. But - hey - that's to be expected when you are in ministry and doing something that has eternal value. Satan obviously doesn't know who he is dealing with. We are the children of the MOST HIGH GOD - His spirit dwells within us, and we are NOT backing down until GOD tells us to! Please pray for us and pray for God's direction in this ministry.
It's good to be back on here! Stay tuned throughout the week, as I will be updating my blog as much as possible. Feel free to leave me a comment and let me know you stopped by.
Have a wonderfully blessed day!
Shelley and I are so happy you are here. You are a blessing to our family, the kids love you and you faithfully serve our Lord. I love to see what God is up to.
Hey girl,
It is ABOUT time you got this blog updated! ;-) I sure do love and respect you. I am LOVING having you here!! The best is yet to come--thanks for the reminder of who we are. (And, by the way, my man has yet to leave a comment on my blog, so that says a lot that he left one on yours.)
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