This is such a great week for Thanksgiving, because I realize I have SO much to be thankful for. God is doing some amazing things in my life, and I can't wait to see what it is He is preparing me for!
The weekend heading into this week was a fun and memorable one. Shelley (my BCF) and her cute little boy Jackson came over on Friday and we spent the day together. Shell taught me how to make her famous yummy white chicken chili. I'll have to try now and make it for my family in FL. Hopefully it will turn out as good as Shelley makes it (I'm not exactly the best cook).
We then decorated Christmas cookies while listening to some Christmas music. The cookies turned out so cute!

Later that evening, we went to the only place we knew of that already had Christmas trees and I picked out the perfect one. Shelley's husband, Stephen came to help us get the tree upstairs in my apartment.

We then ate some of the yummy white chicken chili and cookies, decorated my tree and finished the evening by watching most of "The Princess Bride". We didn't get to finish it because it was getting late and everyone was sleepy, but I watched the rest of the movie on Sunday.
On Saturday and Sunday I got to return the favor and help Shell decorate her house for Christmas. She goes all out with tons of Christmas decorations, 2 trees and lights outside. Her house turned out beeeauutiful! It was so fun spending this sweet time with Shelley. I am so thankful for her - she is such an undeserved blessing in my life.

On Sunday, I sang a solo for the first time with the choir at my new church FBC Woodstock. (I will post the video soon). I had prayed specifically about something regarding the sound that was throwing me off during my sound check during rehearsal a few days before and God answered my prayer literally the moment I began singing Sunday morning. He caused me to totally depend on Him, and then He was right on time with providing me with what I had asked Him for. I am so grateful for everything He has done and continues to do in my life.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!