As I sit here writing on my blog as my home is getting cleaned (thank you, Iris if you are reading this - you are a blessing and very much appreciated!), there is a whole lot on my mind. Obviously, my heart is heavy with the election going on today. Are God's people going to take a stand, vote for Christian values and make their voices heard or are they going to be swayed by the media and go with what seems to be the most popular choice? My mind is baffled by how many Christians I have heard say that they are voting for Obama. I have to admit that I am scared about the outcome. However, I know that my God is bigger than the results. He controls whatever happens. He is fully capable of bringing about an outcome that would baffle the media and show the world that He is in control. God said, "If my people who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (II Chron. 7:14)
However, God also told us that life on earth was not going to be easy. John 16:33 says, "I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." God doesn't promise a world free from tribulation, but He does promise to give us peace in the midst of it. Even though I am frightened about what could happen with this election, I have peace knowing that God is still the same yesterday, today and forever. He will remain in control and on His throne no matter what happens. The greatest part is that even though evil may prevail for a little while, we know that in the end God will get the victory and those of us who have placed our trust in Jesus Christ will live with Him throughout all eternity in heaven where there will be no more pain or suffering.
Ok - now on to the other things going on...

Today is my precious and adorable nephew, Riley's 2nd birthday! Happy Birthday Riley!!! Your Aunt "Jeny" loves you with all of my heart and misses you so much it hurts! I can't wait to see your smile in just a few weeks and hear all of your new words when I come to visit for Thanksgiving!

Also, tonight is our last night for our fall series of Church 4 Chicks.

The last few months have definitely been a learning experience, but I have enjoyed being a part of it and getting to know the sweet ladies who are involved. I am excited to see what God is going to do with this ministry in the future. We are taking a break during the winter, but Shelley will be leading an online Bible Study on the story of Esther with her book, "On Purpose for a Purpose" and will have discussion questions on the Atlanta Encounter blog (www.atlantaencounter.blogspot.com) so that everyone can stay connected. You don't have to have been to the Atlanta Encounter to be a part of it, nor do you need to live in the Atlanta area. You can order your book at www.shelleyhendrix.com and get it just in time to join us online on November 18th! We will be resuming our live Church 4 Chicks meetings back in the spring.
Ok - I've got to get going. I've still got to prepare and get ready for tonight, stop and get a cake for our dessert fellowship, pick up some other things for tonight, find a florist, call my sweet boy when he gets out of preschool, and call my long lost friend Katie who I have been playing phone tag with to catch up with her. She called me last night and I answered the phone in my sleep so I don't remember the conversation we had all that well. Ha Ha! There's no telling what I said in my sleep! Ahhhh! I just realized it's after 3pm and I've got to accomplish all of this and be at Church 4 Chicks by 5pm. Gotta go...
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