I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's with your families! I am just now getting to update you on the past few weeks about my trip to FL. We had a very special Christmas gift this year. My sister, Joy had her baby boy, Joel Jackson Huynh on Dec. 12th. I was unable to be there because I was singing at my church's Christmas festival that weekend. However, I drove down to FL as soon as I could to see him! He was so tiny!

Not only was I looking forward to seeing this precious baby boy, but I was also so happy to see my sis, Jane. I was of course also happy to see Joy, but I had seen her a few times since I had moved. I had not seen Jane since her wedding in July! I was going through some serious sister withdrawals! It was great to have the 3 J's FINALLY all together again!

Our family had a great Christmas, and we all had fun playing with Riley and Joel. I even did a little photo shoot of them in stockings! :)

Towards the end of my 2 weeks in Florida, my "BCF", Shelley, her son Jackson and my Aunt Beth came down to visit. I had so much fun hanging out with Shell in my hometown going to the beach, the St Pete Pier and Busch Gardens.

The weather was just perfect those last few days and was so nice to enjoy before getting back to the frigid weather in Atlanta! I definitely miss the sunny warm weather, but I'm looking forward to being back in it next week when we leave for our 1st annual "Cruise 4 Chicks"! (more details about that later...)
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